Legal workflow software


Legal workflow automation, legal automation, document management and case management for legal tech companies, lawyers and legal departments

We offer tailor-made solutions for various areas. Where do you want to use ShakeSpeare® workflow automation software?

Legal Department

With ShakeSpeare® legal, legal departments can structure their processes, generate documents semi-automatically, introduce KPI tracking, offer in-house digital services and collaborate digitally with other departments.

Lawyers and law firms

ShakeSpeare® legal is a cloud law firm software for attorneys to handle mass litigation, digital legal products and automate repetitive tasks.

Legal Services Tech Company

ShakeSpeare® legal is a cloud platform that enables legal tech start-ups and companies to manage their entire business operations, from lead generation to legal case management and billing.


Arrange a Consultation

 Workflow management has never been so easy. Contact us!

 Workflow management has never been so easy.

Contact us!

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