ShakeSpeare® S-Invoice: the software for digital invoice approval and storage.

Do you see potential in reducing the processing time of incoming invoices and the associated costs? You do not yet have an audit-capable workflow tool for incoming invoices?

We support you with a digital invoice approval tool. Invoice management easier than ever!


The advantages of ShakeSpeare®-Invoice

Fitted as a tailor-made suit

  • Mapping of your workflows & all interfaces
  • User & role distribution
  • Uncomplicated & individual system extension
  • Your new invoice verification software adapted to you

Safe as Fort Knox

Your choice...
...the DMS for your invoices as a cloud solution with servers in Germany or on-premise on your servers possible.

Fast as sound

  • Automatically read out invoices with OCR and AI
  • Up to 90% faster invoice processing
  • Automate incoming invoices
  • Your invoice verification digitally

Process of an invoice approval with ShakeSpeare®


Software implementation costs a lot of time? Not with us!

The introduction of a software is sometimes a hurdle in the company, because it has to happen next to the normal daily business. And yet, an invoice approval process is incredibly important.

ShakeSpeare® Invoice Receiving Software is designed to take as little time as possible to implement, so you can scan and post your invoices directly.

  • No installation necessary
  • Accessible from any browser
  • Intuitive and straightforward design
  • Refreshing online training
  • Simple user videos


Scan- in​ /Mail in

Automatic invoice receipt or digital document capture

Send invoices as e-mail to S-Invoice with one click without intermediate storage. Simply connect the scanner to the mail-in module (scan-to-mail). This simplifies the scanning of incoming invoices.


Automatic text readout function

With ShakeSpeare® you can have invoices automatically scanned and thus read out. Digital Invoice Receipt Topic: Item-level text readout: our text readout can read individual items, tax rates, item descriptions, quantities, etc. and automatically split invoices.

Multi-level approval

The invoice approval process is different in every company. ShakeSpeare® S-Invoice can map any approval process, no matter if it is 1,2,3 or 4 step.

Roles & Rights

In digital invoice processing, it is essential that roles, rights and rules can be easily set, e.g. by location, department, company, person.

Multi-client capable

Manage invoices for multiple companies in one software platform and easily switch between “clients” (companies).

Reminder functions

Automatic invoice receipt

Automatic reminder and escalation through to-do lists, e-mail or color coding (flag system)

Potential analysis

Together with you, we will find out where your potentials lie. These questions will help you to determine whether ShakeSpeare® S-Invoice can support you in digital invoice approval.



Save time through automationg

For large companies: flexible and ERP independent.


Are you a group of companies with different ERP systems?  Are you planning to transform your ERP / accounting system?

Are you and your company structure growing? Would you still like to have a uniform and stable invoice receipt independent of the ERP system and thus digitize your invoice receipt?

Then ShakeSpeare® is a good choice. ShakeSpeare® Invoice has an interface to almost every ERP (SAP, MS NAV, Salesforce, DATEV…), which can be flexible, exchanged, supplemented or extended. Furthermore, your travel expense software can also be mapped via ShakeSpeare® S-Invoice. Keywords for this are: digtal invoice verification & electronic invoice verification.

We serve international customers with a wide range of ERP applications, companies in the transformation phase and fast growing companies.

S-Invoice Price


10 Users
200 Invoices

Included in all packages:

+ Personal support
+ 2 h personal onboarding
+ No additional costs
+ DATEV interface
+ Personal user training
+ Workflow automation


20 Users
500 Invoices

All content from the "Small" package

+ Multi-contracting
+ Extra admin training
+ Linking with ordering process


50 Users
1000 Invoices

All content from the "Middle" package

+ Module contract management (S-Contract)
+ Cost center release


100 Users
2000 Invoices

All content from the "Large" package

+ Individual business processes

Clients who already trust ShakeSpeare®

Arrange a Consultation



*Multiple languages available. The example is in German.

For an enterprise management platform with contract management, inbox, ticketing, HR (onboarding, offboarding, leave request, sick leave, travel, expense reporting, application process), compliance (ISO 9001:2015, etc.) and other workflows, and a comprehensive document management software (DMS) solution, please check out the ShakeSpeare® platform here.

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